Tuesday, August 12, 2014

ELFS: The Charitable Legacy

The Charitable Legacy

An American Story

How many opportunities in life have passed you by simply because you were not aware of them? There is an opportunity that is lying right in front of you that could be so critical to your financial future I feel I have an obligation to give you this information. You see, how can you say “yes” or “no” to ideas that you do not even know exists?

The Farm
Two hundred years ago our country was born, on a path to become a great nation. The cornerstone of our country’s constitution, laws and social structure were centered around two elements. The morals and ethics of strong families and religion became the backbone of our society. The wisdom of our forefathers separated “church from state,” not to eliminate one or the other but to bring the two together to guide our country and create the freedom we desired.
A hundred years ago it was not uncommon for farms to be worked and owned by a family. Along with churches and other families in a community to help those in need, we began to weave the social fabric of our nation. The family structure was whole as was the community. Family pride was evident and that pride was given to the children. Families worked hard to create a better life and a legacy for the next generation. Today that element of leaving a family legacy has almost disappeared. Although there will always be loving family memories, the passing of the family farm also known as family wealth, has been mismanaged into non-existence.
The Changing Social Fabric of Our Nation
As families became more separated and mobile the social fabric of our nationbegan to change. Community support became less involved and churches lost membership. Everyone became busy with their own lives. In the 1960’s our country began to lose its innocence. In a very historic period our country changed. Crisis upon crisis from civil rights, the drug culture, leadership assassinations, and presidential assassinations to Vietnam and protests in the streets, our once starry-eyed nation woke up with a reality hangover that is still plaguing us today. What suffered the most in this historic time are the things that made us great, the family and religion and the community support structure. These elements were replaced with the “now” generation. The family and the church, once the cornerstone of ethics and morality, started to crumble and with it went the social fabric of our nation.
The after effects of the loss of the family structure and church and community support continues to cost our country and the government billions of dollars. Along with the monetary costs we are now surrounded by increasing crime rates, divorce rates, personal debt and bankruptcy rates. All of these results have a direct correlation to the decline of family structure and the morals and ethics that are gifts of churches and the community.
The New Deal...Government Dependency
Things have changed. As a country we have shifted from the belief of “God given rights” to “Government given rights.” We have moved from what used to be the center of our communities, the churches and charities to the belief that the Federal Government will solve all of our problems. The new deal is that social engineering will keep the social fabric of our nation together. This cannot be further from the truth. In fact government dependency has aided the problem, not the solution. No one should be surprised since like most government social programs, the idea of fixing something is simply throwing more money at the problem. In the eyes of the government money solves everything and relieves their conscience by addressing their concerns. This is a totally different support system than is offered by the community, churches and charities.
Government Dependency
Does Not Support The Social Morals & Ethics
Does Not Support Family Values
Does Not Commit People To Excellence
The support of community churches and charities also addresses another reliable social asset. People get involved. They start to care. They start to build relationships. The community as a whole is strengthened. Pride becomes evident and this impacts everyone. You see the lesson is this, government money does not do this. Their dependency solution is broken.

It Is Time To Defend
We are living in very historic times. There is a threat both internally and externally to divide our country. Our ability to survive as a great nation will rely on the respect we have for each other. The moral and ethical guidance of Hollywood is not the foundation for a great nation. Responsible leadership needs to re-focus its “hooked on dependency” solution to social engineering.
Great leadership is not filled with popular choices just as being a good parent should not be built on being your child’s best friend. While politicians are focused on getting votes and remaining in the favor of the public, self-serving interest groups, with money, form the agenda of the day and flood the media with a constant rumbling that our society should bend and compromise our social structure for the benefit of even the smallest “victimized” groups. I am not saying everyone does not have rights but only that it has become popular to force change on 99% of our population to satisfy 1%. Conflictive issues such as displaying holiday season decorations to the rights of children over their parents to defending and giving benefits to those who break the law, set the standard for chaos. This is the work of our government. We Have an Obligation to Preserve the Centerpiece of American Society
In a fast-paced ever changing world the challenge is to preserve the morals andethics, the family values and the charitable work within the community.
 “If money was not the problem, how much would you leave your family, church or charity?” 
“I feel most people have the goodness in their hearts to provide for the future of their families, churches or charities but they just do not know how to do it.”
“How can you say “yes” or “no” to ideas you don’t even know exist?”
“I would like to give you a gift. That gift is uncovering the gift that is already
inside you.”
“You must be aware of an opportunity before you can take advantage of it.”

©2008 Wealth & Wisdom, Inc. All Rights Reserved (revised 2012).

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