Monday, September 21, 2015

Can a doctored photo save your retirement?

Can a doctored photo save your retirement?

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Can a doctored webcam photo save your retirement?
Prudential Retirement executives last fall installed a photo kiosk at an employee benefits fair so people could see pictures of themselves altered to look 65 years old or so. The reactions were "priceless," said Jennifer Putney, vice president of participant engagement—but that wasn't all. The number of people who enrolled in a retirement plan or increased their contribution rate went up 60 percent from a year earlier, before the kiosk was installed, she said. (Tweet This)
With another benefits enrollment season upon us, tools like photo doctoring are proliferating—firms like Merrill Edge even use webcamimages to provide the service online—as behavioral scientists search for ways to use ingrained patterns of behavior to induce people to save more for retirement.
"A lot of self-control problems" like poor diet and exercise habits "are difficult to help people with," said Shlomo Benartzi, accounting professor and co-chair of the behavioral decision-making group at UCLA's Anderson School of Management and chief behavioral economist at the Allianz Global Investors Center for Behavioral Finance. "What's unique about retirement is it's a more controlled setting where we can actually help people."
One impulse experts are trying to control, or even overcome, is inertia, especially as it relates to retirement saving. Left to their own devices, many employees fail to sign up for a 401(k) or similar plan. But when plan sponsors automatically enroll employees in their plans, and offer an "opt-out" option instead, the number of participants can increase dramatically. In one study, participation rates among employees under age 25 rose 39 percentage points, and 27 points for employees 25 to 34.
Granted participation is only part of the solution to the retirement savings shortfall. If people automatically enroll at too low a level, they still may not save enough. And that does happen: A recent study by Vanguard found that average contribution rates declined from 7.3 percent in 2007 to 6.9 percent in 2014, and chalked it up to the spread of automatic enrollment.
By the end of 2013, about 65 percent of companies reported having auto-enrollment programs, a feature that became increasingly widespread after passage of the Pension Protection Act in 2006, which provided safeguards for employers that adopted it. But the default contribution rate for many plans with auto enrollment remains at 3 percent, the amount many companies adopted when they first added the feature.
Still, increasing participation in plans is a first step, and a slowly growing share of employers is offering programs that automatically increase contribution levels. Benartzi also pointed out that once people are participating, inertia can work in their favor in that they will likely refrain from trying to time the market with their retirement savings.
Simplifying enrollment in retirement plans, or at least making participation more enjoyable, can also combat inertia. Benartzi is arguing for a retirement savings app, for example.
Making retirement savings more like a game is another idea being put forward by people like Jane Souza, senior vice president for digital platforms at Fidelity. This could include personalized messages when people hit a given savings target, or interactive models that show you how different life choices affect your future finances.
"If you make things more fun, if you give people positive reinforcement, they will make more choices to get more positive reinforcement. It's playing into what is naturally motivating to people," she said.
Our tendency to procrastinate also gets in the way of retirement savings. That's why Benartzi and Richard Thaler of the University of Chicago developed the Save More Tomorrow model. Instead of asking people to save enough for a time far later in life, participants pledge to increase their retirement savings contributions every time they get a raise.
In the first use of the plan, employees' savings rates more than tripled, and it has been widely adopted. (The initial format works best when employees can be certain of the size and timing of their raises, like at a unionized manufacturing company, for example. But Benartzi said the approach works almost as well when people pledge to increase their contribution at any fixed time, like every Jan. 1.)
Anchoring is another common behavior that retirement experts are trying to use to their advantage. When people are presented with two or three choices for retirement saving, they tend to choose the "baseline," or the the lowest option, Souza said.
If the baseline is set too low, people will wind up saving less than is optimal, she said. But "you can start by presenting the lowest number in that set as still being a very healthy contribution rate." Fidelity offers a digital retirement-plan enrollment model that recommends a baseline contribution rate of 8 percent. The majority of plan sponsors use that, Souza said, and 60 to 65 percent of the model's users choose it.
Another behavior affecting retirement saving is loss aversion: People generally prefer avoiding pain to acquiring a gain. Since putting money away cuts current income in exchange for an abstract benefit in the distant future, that behavior impedes saving.
That is why some experts argue for making the rewards of retirement saving more concrete and immediate. John Shoven, director emeritus of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, believes this approach may also help encourage people to wait until they are older before claiming Social Security. (Waiting from the eligibility age of 62 to the oldest claiming age of 70 boosts benefits by 76 percent, but few people wait that long.)
"There is literally no better way for somebody in their 60s to save than by delaying Social Security," Shoven said, and if people are shown the benefit increase as an annual rate of return, they may be more inclined to delay their claim.
With the typical working–age household having just $3,000 in retirement assets, it is not hard to find signs of an impending retirement savings crisis. But if the behavioral scientists are on the right track, our own quirks and habits could help head it off.

Why you should never borrow from your 401(k)

Top 10 list: Why you should never borrow from your 401(k)

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Have you watched the balance in your 401(k) or other retirement plan grow to a substantial sum over the past several years? If so, that should give you a sense of pride and satisfaction—and the determination to keep contributing all you can so that it will stay on its upward trend.
However, for some people, seeing their accounts grow triggers a different reaction: temptation.
savings do not touch
Mike Kemp | Getty Images
They view their accounts as a source of quick and easy loans—perhaps to buy a house or a car, pay for a child's college education, start a business or even spring for something without lasting value, such as a vacation.
Often there's no lengthy application process or credit check, and you can probably get your cash in just a few days. Then you have five years to repay the loan (although you can do so faster if you wish, with no prepayment penalty).
And you'll not only get a low interest rate, but the interest you pay goes right back into your retirement account, so it's like repaying yourself.
That's why so many Americans have taken this unwise path.

Neither borrower nor lender be

A study by HelloWallet reported that, of the $294 billion contributed to 401(k) plans by employers and employees in 2012–2013, about $70 billion—or 24 percent—was withdrawn for non-retirement purposes, including mortgage payments and credit card bills.
And a white paper from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College estimates that about 1.5 percent of assets "leak" out of 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts each year on average—through early withdrawals, cash-outs or loans.
The center estimates that aggregate 401(k) and IRA retirement wealth is at least 20 percent lower than it would have been without such leaks.
The common perception among borrowers is that they're only borrowing from themselves—so no harm done. But that assumption is seriously flawed.
"Pulling money from your 401(k) means that you're selling some of your investments. If they continue to rise in value, you won't get the profits and the compounding power that goes with them."
In fact, borrowing from your retirement plan is the best way to destroy your retirement-planning effort, putting you at risk of ending up in your 70s with no money. Here are the 10 best reasons I can think of as to why you must never, ever borrow from your account.
  1. Borrowing defeats the purpose of the account. The money's there for one reason only: to provide for your retirement. No matter how urgent you think your present situation is, it'll be nothing compared to what you'll experience when you're in your 70s or 80s without adequate funds. You simply must find another solution to today's problem.
  2. Loss of compounding. Pulling money from your 401(k) means that you're selling some of your investments. If they continue to rise in value, you won't get the profits and the compounding power that goes with them.
  3. You're likely to sell low and buy high. As you pay back the "loan," you're rebuying the previously sold shares—but at current (and probably higher) prices. You shouldn't need me to tell you that that's the exact opposite of what an investor should do.
  4. Added interest and fees. Most plans charge an origination fee of $75 regardless of loan size, and this goes to the administrator—not back into your account. Thus, if you borrow $1,000, you've lost 7.5 percent right away. While the interest you pay, which is based on prevailing rates (about 5 percent for many plans last year), goes back into your account, that's money you otherwise could have invested for potentially higher returns. So paying interest—even to yourself—reduces the amount of wealth you could otherwise generate.
  5. Suspended contributions. Many plans won't allow you to contribute to your 401(k) until you've paid off your loans. In some cases that could mean years, during which period you've lost the advantage of reducing your taxable income.
  6. Reduced take-home pay. Most plans require you to start repaying your loan via automatic paycheck deduction starting with your next pay. Thus, your take-home pay is reduced, possibly by more than the amount you were contributing to the plan before. And this repayment isn't tax-deferred, so your taxes could rise, lowering your net pay even further.
  7. Tax risk if you fail to repay by the deadline. Most 401(k) loans must be repaid within five years. If you fail in that, your employer will treat the loan balance as a distribution, triggering income taxes and the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty if you're under age 59½. You could also be forced out of your plan and prevented from contributing in the future.
  8. Additional risk if you quit or lose your job. If you leave your employer, the loan will be due within 90 days. … But wait—you've already spent the money. If you don't meet the deadline, the Internal Revenue Service will consider the unpaid balance to be taxable income, and you'll face the same tax issues previously noted. And now you're in trouble with an unrelenting lender—the IRS.
  9. Double taxation. Loans from your 401(k) actually cause you to pay taxes twice. Why? Because you're repaying with after-tax money, and then later, when you withdraw the funds in retirement, you'll pay taxes on that same money again.
  10. You're still in debt. If you borrow from retirement savings to pay off other debts, you've simply exchanged one debt for another—and taken on all the above disadvantages in the process. A study by T. Rowe Price found that borrowing $10,000 from a retirement plan will reduce your account balance at retirement by $100,000.
A 2013 Fidelity study points to yet another danger: It found that, of 180,000 people who took out 401(k) loans over the past 12 years, 66 percent took out more than one loan, 25 percent borrowed three or four times, and 20 percent did so five times or more. Thus, initial borrowing could put you in danger of becoming a repeated borrower, thereby causing even greater damage to your retirement.
So for all these reasons and more, discipline yourself to avoid borrowing from your 401(k) or other workplace retirement plan, no matter how badly you need cash. Find another way to get it. Later, during your comfortable retirement, you'll come to appreciate what a huge favor you did for yourself by allowing your account to grow without setbacks.
—By Ric Edelman, chairman and CEO of Edelman Financial Services